Why Nist Of The Students Can’t Focus On Their Studies

In this world of technology, the education and knowing of new technology is a blood-like need of the human population.

why Students Can not Focus On Their Studies.

 To get successful in this vast world of knowledge a man has to be step by step with the steps of the world. He has to work hard to know about the new technology and the basics of the creations of things. For this, he has to be focused on his work.

 But, in spite of this, today’s student is mostly distracting from his studies. Instead of taking interest in his studies, he is distracted by many other so-called colorful things.

Here in this article, I am going to list few of these distractions which most of the student face in his life:

  1. Social media:

Social media is one of the notorious tools through which most of the students get distracted.

 A lot of student’s time is passing away in looking at the notification messages on different social media platforms.

Social media is one of the notorious tools through which most of the students get distracted

One of the platforms is Facebook. Students waste their precious time watching the stories and chatting with random people which is not essential for them at all.

 Another social media platform is YouTube on which there are millions of videos that distract most of the students from the way they must have to adopt.

 In spite of these, there are many other platforms that are involved in wasting the golden time of students. These include WhatsApp, Instagram, and many others which although are quite interesting they waste most of our time.

2 Addicted to different games:

Playing too many games is another main tool to distract the students from their studies.

Playing too many games is another main tool to distract the students from their studies.

 Nowadays not only the physical games are playing their part in distraction but digital games are also the main key. Playing too many games waste your time and divert you from your studies. Physical games are good for health but it has a negative effect when getting involved in them too much that they restrain you from other works.

 It would be alright if you want to be a professional player but otherwise, it is really dangerous.

The other type of games that mostly divert the students are digital games they not only waste our time, but they also have a negative effect on our health.

 These games affect the eyes mind as well as the whole body of the user. The most famous digital game now a days is PUGg. A lot of students are addicted to this game. This game affects the nerves of the players.

 In the last month of 2020, a student from Punjab getting addicted to this game very badly and play PUBg 24/7 which destroy his mental health and caused his brain hemorrhage and eventually death.

3 Having too much friends:

It is seen that many students have a lot of relationships. These could be his friends and relatives.

It is seen that many students have a lot of relationships. These could be his friends and relatives.

Students waste their time in conversating with these although it is not necessary for them. They spent most of their time in chit chat with their friends and some students went out with their friends just for fun and enjoyment. These all things distract the students from their studies. Friendship with change gender is also a main key in spending precious time because these things mostly involved the emotional feelings which also affect the mind.

There are many other distracting things in this world. The things we have to do is to restrain ourselves from these distractions and remained focused on our studies.

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